Donors 2024-25 season
Maestro's Circle • $1000+
Dan Barer, Valerie Clouston
Benefactors • $500 - $999
Alison Crone, Joyce Gowanlock, Sheila Whincup
Principals • $300-$499
Rosalyn Alexander, Lee Anderson, Veronica Campbell, Jenny Nelson, Jane Hastings
Patron • $100-$299
Gail Abernethy, Roy Brown, Hildegard Burkhart, Judith Carder, Diane Copeland, Robin Colyer, Pamela Day, Yasuko Eastman, Chantal Fillion, Judith Fries, Ian Hampton, Carolyn Hahn, Marvin & Sylvia Hallgren, Ellen Himmer, Nan & Michael Hundere, Colleen Lafleur, Brenna Litwack, Marni Livingstone, Trevor & Michele MacHattie, Mary Jill McCulloch, Phillipe McLean, Scott & Anne-Marie Miller, Anne Porter, Sheri Robertson, Francis Rothman, Gail Scott, Jan Stope, Belinda Sweett, Vicki & Roger Temple, Tim Traynor, Mary Wolfe, Mary Zorko
Supporter • $25-$99
Ellen Bergerud, Mary LaPage, Margaret Mercer, Hugh Morrison, Bonnie Sprinkling, Kathleen Pirquet
In Memoriam
The Sooke Philharmonic Society honours those whose spirits continue to support the music of the Orchestra and Chorus through the generous donations of their friends and families
We respectfully remember and honour (with donations from)
Norman Nelson
(Jenny Nelson)
Roger Brown
(Sally Brown)
Don Chrysler
(Janette Chrysler)
Emrys Evans
(Robin Evans)
Sandra Goodwin
(David Goodwin)
Kathleen Langdon
(Peter Langdon)
Suzanne M. Manley
(John Manley)
Tanya Prochazka
(Bob, Judy & Caroline Stinson)
Jim Rose
(Lynda Rose
Donn Livingstone (numerous donors)
Charles Stockley
(Lois Stockley)
Bernard Vinge
(Betty Tully)
Jim Warner
(Mary Warner
Sue Hyslop (numerous donors)
Peter Beaumont Smith (Phillip & Mary Conliffe)