Beethoven Duo for Viola & Cello in E Flat
The nasty virus is still with us and having an impact on all our lives. However, our wonderful Music Director Yariv Aloni and his wife Pamela Highbaugh Aloni have offered this duet to cheer us all up.
They were playing mainly to console those who had to miss the Chamber Music Workshop in May — but now we would like to share it with all our members too.
This marvelously lively piece by Beethoven is a duet for viola and cello with the very unique name “with two eyeglasses obligato”. (“mit zwei obligaten Augengläsern”) It has been suggested that Beethoven wrote it to perform with his equally sight-challenged friend and cello player Baron Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz — who is also rumoured to have often provided Beethoven with the best of quills . . . and the best of wine. That is the type of friend we would all like to have during these days of social isolation.
I hope this missive finds you well — and that you enjoy this wonderful video.